About Us

Bangladesh ICT Journalist Forum (BIJF) is the professional ICT journalist association of Bangladesh which was established in 2002. BIJF has representations of all leading Daily, weekly, monthly ICT publications and other media (such as web, digital publication and electronic media). BIJF has established for the development of ICT movement of our country and to stimulate and facilitate the growth structure of this sector
BIJF tries to emphasis on three sectors. Firstly, to establish the ICT Journalist Unity, secondly, to improvise journalist knowledge and professional duties with utmost delinquency and thirdly to organize ICT related seminars, working paper on National and as well as international issue. So far BIJF have successfully organized several skill development schemes for ICT journalists and also arranged different ICT related national seminars. Among them”Media role on Information Society: perspective Bangladesh” is the most successful one
BIJF tries to emphasis on three sectors. Firstly, to establish the ICT Journalist Unity, secondly, to improvise journalist knowledge and professional duties with utmost delinquency and thirdly to organize ICT related seminars, working paper on National and as well as international issue. So far BIJF have successfully organized several skill development schemes for ICT journalists and also arranged different ICT related national seminars. Among them”Media role on Information Society: perspective Bangladesh” is the most successful one
BIJF will also analyze different government initiatives and Industry performance regarding ICT and will recommend different policies for the welfare of this sector
It has been argued that ICT has itself pioneered into Bangladesh and the role of Media is very much negligible in this case. But on many dimensions, government policies as well as industry activities are much prejudiced by the Media. Media has a profound impact on building IT awareness, IT industry and IT culture in our Country. The role of media has pioneered in building ICT infrastructure in Bangladesh
In future, BIJF will try to establish the National ICT databank and will conduct several studies on Local and Global aspects of ICT developments. BIJF will also analyze different government initiatives and Industry performance regarding ICT and will recommend different policies for the welfare of this sector. BIJF will also try to make their contribution on several Global issues such as Digital Divide, Information Society, Knowledge based Economy, etc to build a real ICT awarded community for the whole World
We want to hear from you
Janata Tower, Level 1,
Software Technology Park, Dhaka 1215, Bangladesh - 01616-721188
- admin@bijf.org